Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu
Associate Vice-Provost (Academic), Lakehead University

Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu

Past President

Dr. Michel S. Beaulieu, PhD, FRHistS is the Associate Vice-Provost (Academic) and a full Professor of History at Lakehead University. His research and publications explore the social, economic, and political history of Northern Ontario.

Michel holds appointments as a Docent of Social Science History at the University of Helsinki, a Docent of Modern North American History at the University of Oulu, and an Associate at the Wilson Institute for Canadian History at McMaster University. He is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society and the Honorary Colonel of the Lake Superior Scottish Regiment.

Michel currently serves on the board of a number of other organizations. These include the Multicultural History Society of Ontario, the Manitoba and North West Ontario Regional Council for the Canadian Forces Liaison Council, as past-president of the Ontario Historical Society, and as past-president of The Champlain Society.

In addition to being Past-President, he is the Chair of the Publications Committee and co-editor of Papers & Records.

A complete profile can be found at http://msbeaulieu.lakeheadu.ca or https://www.linkedin.com/in/msbeaulieu/