Indigenous Advisory Group

Terms of Reference –

Established in 2021, the Indigenous Advisory Group, meeting at least twice annually, shall act as an operational-level committee. It shall provide guidance to the Thunder Bay Museum management and staff on Indigenous knowledge, history, traditions, and cultural protocols to ensure that the organization is acting in good faith concerning consultation, inclusivity, relevance, and reconciliation.

The Indigenous Advisory Group will provide guidance on the following:

  • Cultural awareness training and initiatives for Museum staff and volunteers;
  • Exhibit content (i.e. text, photos, video, dioramas, artifacts, etc.);
  • Care of Indigenous belongings;
  • Education and Outreach programming content and delivery method;
  • Architectural and grounds improvement initiatives;
  • Special events programming;
  • Policy or organizational development planning;
  • Other areas as the Indigenous Advisory Group deems appropriate in response to the needs of The Thunder Bay Museum.

The Thunder Bay Museum staff shall endeavour to continuously recruit a diverse group of members to the group from local and Northwestern Ontario Indigenous peoples, including, but not limited to, Elders and Knowledge Carriers, members from local Indigenous not-for-profits, staff from First Nations and Métis governments, Indigenous youth, and Indigenous members of the gender and sexual diversity communities. Members of the Indigenous Advisory Group are considered volunteers and will receive no monetary compensation. The exception is that Elders may be compensated for their time and performing of ceremony. Thunder Bay Museum management and staff shall take all guidance seriously and provide updates on how guidance is acted upon. 

The participants in the Indigenous Advisory Group are listed below in no particular order:

  • Fort William First Nation Elders
  • Fort William First Nation Band Representative
  • Fort William First Nation Community Coordinator
  • Fort William First Nation Culture & Recreation Coordinator
  • Fort William First Nation Manager (CEC), Economic Development
  • Fort William First Nation Community Member
  • Métis Nation of Ontario Region 2 Councilor
  • Métis Community Members
  • Nishnawbe Aski Nation Director of Reclamation and Healing
  • Thunder Bay Indigenous Friendship Centre Cultural Resource Coordinator
  • Thunder Bay Public Library Manager of Indigenous Relationships
  • Thunder Bay Public Library First Nations, Métis, and Inuit Liaison
  • Northern Sons Consulting
  • Youth Community Member of Long Lake #58 First Nation & Keewaywin First Nation

Meetings are open to Museum Staff, Board Members, and Indigenous leaders who wish to attend.

For more information please contact the Museum’s Executive Director – [email protected].