Resources to help you teach
The Museum’s professional Education Department offers a full range of fun and engaging programs for students of every grade and ability level, designed specifically to adhere to the current Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum.
We also have over half a million photos of Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario to help students visualize what it was like in the late 19th century until now.
Museum at Your Fingertips
The archives at the Thunder Bay Museum hold an astounding collection of more than 500,000 photographic images that document the history of Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario from the 1880s to the present day. Photos are organized into virtual photo albums by topic, region, and/or time period, and tagged with key words to make the records text searchable.
Teachers are encouraged to use the images found on our Flickr page to enrich their classroom lesson and help students make direct connections between what they are learning about and the communities in which they live.
We’ve also created a special CHC2D and CHC2P album that contain a collection of images related to the history of Thunder Bay and Northwestern Ontario from 1914 to the present. It is intended to support the CHC2D and CHC2P courses as outlined in the Ontario Curriculum by providing a local context.
Learning Activities
Toys Of Our Past
A variety of learning activities that can be used in conjunction with the Toys of Our Past online exhibit.
Children probably know a great deal about toys and games already. Use these lesson plans with worksheets and additional activities to build interest and further their knowledge on toys. Each lesson plan focuses on social studies, media literacy, and language and mesh with the Ontario school curriculum.
More Teacher Resources
The Museum’s professional Education Department offers a full range of fun and engaging programs for students of every grade and ability level, designed specifically to adhere to the current Ontario Ministry of Education curriculum
To access any of our password-protected content, or for more information on our Educations Programs, please contact our Education & Outreach Coordinator.