Senior Programming

The Thunder Bay Museum offers both virtual and live programming to seniors in long-term care homes. These programs are focused on a variety of themes that include related artifacts and historical photos.

Themes vary by month for in person programs while virtual program themes are available year round. Virtual programs are live through video technology and are in development to be recorded.

Book a Program!

In-Person Visits

  • $30 one visit
  • $150 for six visits

Virtual Visits

  • $20 one visit
  • $80 for six visits

To book a program, or for more information, please contact our Education and Outreach Coordinator

Monthly Themes

January – Businesses of Thunder Bay
This program touches up various businesses and locations that have been around in Thunder Bay, some long gone, while others are still around.

February – Keeping Warm in the North
How do people in Thunder Bay keep warm? Find about the types of clothing, sports, and objects we used to keep ourselves nice and toasty.

March – Spring Cleaning
The ways of cleaning certainly have changed over the years; the types of products and technologies.  Find out how some of the cleaning stresses have changed or lessened over time.

April – Museum Oddities
With the museum having over 40,000 artifacts, there’s bound to be something a little peculiar.  We’ll show you a variety of objects that are a bit morbid, strange looking, or have strange purposes.

May – Medical History
Medical knowledge and technology has changed over the years.  Find out what certain medicines did, what tools were used, and what clothing was worn many years ago.

June – Guessing Game
We’ll show you a range of artifacts and it’s your turn to guess what it could be before we tell you what it is and the history behind it.

July – Sports
From fishing to hockey, learn about the history of sports and sports played in Thunder Bay.  While much of the rules in sports stayed the same, the equipment sure has.

August – Then and Now
Learn about artifacts that were used before the turn of the century and how they have changed since then.

September – School Days
The time when kids return to school, learn about historic schooling and education as well as the tools teachers and students would have used.

October – Fancy Gadgets
Gadgets and gizmos are all around us, we’ll show you some historic gadgets that were used for everyday things.

November – We Remember
The month where we Remember.  In this program, we will show you artifacts from the Museum’s military collection.

December – Christmas Traditions and Gifts
Santa, toys, ornaments, trees, traditions and more!  Learn a bit about the history behind some of these Christmas artifacts and the historic toys that were given as gifts.