William Armstrong (1822-1914)

William Armstrong (1822-1914)

1822-1914 | Artist and Engineerby Thorold J. Tronrud, Ph.D William Armstrong first made a name for himself as a civil engineer – as his work on some of Canada’s early railways attests – and as a pioneer in the use of photography for industrial purposes. But is was his art that has given him a … Read more

Woodside Brothers Foundry

Woodside Brothers Foundry

The Woodside Brothers Foundry, also known as the Port Arthur Iron Works, was established in 1883 and operated continuously for over 100 years. The brothers had the distinction of generating the first electricity in Thunder Bay, in 1888. They were approached by Mr. George Dorman, an electrical engineer from England, who convinced them that, with … Read more


The Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society has an active publications program that includes full-length non-fiction books, an annual journal, weekly articles, and a quarterly newsletter. The Society’s Publications Committee welcomes submissions, but encourages writers to review the Guide for Prospective Authors to determine if their work will match our mandate. In addition, the Society presents … Read more

The Thunder Bay Historical Museum Society

Reconnaissance du territoire Le Musée de Thunder Bay reconnaît les premiers gardiens de cette terre et rend hommage aux aînés – passés, présents et futurs – car ils détiennent les souvenirs, les traditions, la culture et les espoirs des peuples autochtones. Nous aimerions également reconnaître que le musée de Thunder Bay se trouve sur les … Read more

Hobby Horse

Hobby Horse

42” Hobby horse – consists of the horse’s head (white with black details) which in turn is attached to varnished handles.  The latter in turn attached to a set of black rubber rimmed spoked wheels.  A white cord passes through the mouth section of the horse.



This game of Perfection is from 1976 and is a beat the clock type game. It is based on the psychological test of putting different shaped pieces into the correct hole. There are 25 pieces and a 60 second time. The game Perfection was produced by Reed Toys, a Pennsylvania company in 1973. The object … Read more



An Atari video game with controls and cartridges. Nolan Bushnell and Ted Dabney founded Syzygy Engineering in 1971 and designed “Computer Space” an arcade video game.  The name Syzygy was already in use so they changed the name to Atari after a move in the game called “Go.” Pong was designed by Al Alcorn and … Read more

The Eagle of Thunder Cape

The Eagle of Thunder Cape

We are just beginning to realize the charm and importance of Indian legends. “Too late, perhaps,” wrote W.S. Piper when he first published this book in 1924, as many of the old-time Ojibways, who translated freely, had passed away. By pen and camera, the author tried to preserve some of the stories told to him … Read more

Simon J. Dawson C.E.

Simon J. Dawson C.E.

Simon Dawson (c.1820-1902) was a civil engineer, explorer, treaty negotiator, and politician. He was responsible for constructing the famous Red River Road which opened up Western Canada to settlement and represented Northwestern Ontario as M.L.A. and M.P. from 1875 to 1891. Simon J. Dawson C.E. is the first biography of this important pioneer. By: M. Elizabeth … Read more

Steam Wagon

Steam Wagon

Steam Wagon, one blue, red and white live steam tractor circa 1975.  Mamod is a British toy company that was founded in 1937 by Geoffrey Malins.  This company produced models that were steam-powered.  Some of the models had oscillating cylinders, regulators, or a reversing mechanism.  Mr. Malins also produced an engine for the Meccano company.  … Read more